If (Physics.Raycast(transform.position, transform. If (shotSound) audio.PlayOneShot(shotSound) // play the shot sound The script below shows how to use raycast to shoot: when the Shoot function is called, a Raycast is done in the weapon forward direction if nothing hit, nothing happens if it’s an enemy, you can instantiate blood at the hit point and send a message to make the enemy reduce its health if another thing is hit, you can emit sparks at the hit point. Var sparksPrefab: GameObject // drag the sparks prefab here, if any

Var bloodPrefab: GameObject // drag the blood prefab here, if any var shotSound: AudioClip // drag a shot sound here, if any The script below shows how to use raycast to shoot: when the Shoot function is called, a Raycast is done in the weapon forward direction if nothing hit, nothing happens if it’s an enemy, you can instantiate blood at the hit point and send a message to make the enemy reduce its health if another thing is hit, you can emit sparks at the hit point. For fast projectiles like bullets, it’s better to use a Raycast instead (in the First Person Tutorial, the rockets are instantiated, while the machine gun uses raycast). Featured: Light Studio Stage + Raycast HDRI Skybox :iconvera-white. I’m open to discussion about this, so if you do that and it actually works with solid proof, let me know by either reblogging this post or privately messaging me on my social media.Slow projectiles like rockets or cannon balls may be instantiated. MMD How to Load Models and Stages ( For Beginners )Tutorials 1 & 2: Some of my. In other words, it’s pointless to load ExcellentShadow with Ray, it’ll only consume more resources. ExcellentShadow’s purpose is overwhelmed by Ray’s nature, not to mention that the in-built physical lights have a soft or hard shadow feature. In conclusion, adding it to Ray is redundant, as Ray’s shadows are already very smooth, even smoother if using “boom!” settings. So I asked two of my contacts that are very experienced in Raycast rendering about ExcellentShadow’s interactions with Ray, if there was any. If it had a 50/50 chance of working with Ray, then I supposed I was unlucky and didn’t find the ideal setting. Next, I loaded two physical lights with enabled ExcellentShadow to check, but again, nothing. At first, no change at all in the shadows, everything looked the same when disabled or enabled. I decided to try it myself: I opened my MMD, loaded and set up Ray, and added ExcellentShadow. Interested in the matter, I searched for answers after knowing from a Rebirth artist that ExcellentShadow may or may not improve the overall results, which felt superstitious.

I’m writing a small post this time to share a detail that left me curious for a while: why do people combine ExcellentShadow with Raycast? Does it produce better results?